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Australian Native Flower

Australian Native Flower

The diversity of Australian Native Flowers is great in style, colour and texture. Many varieties are now being grown on farms throughout the year, thus protecting our natural fauna. As the growers perfect their growing methods,the continued development of new varieties will ensure an increased supply, enabling everyone to enjoy Australia's natural beauty without harm to its natural environment.

Caring for Australian Wildflowers

Most native flowers have woody stems and these will need to be re-cut with sharp secateurs and placed in deep water ensuring the stems are deeply submerged.   Strip all leaves from the lower half of each stem ensuring no leaves are below the water level. Australian Native Flowers  are thirsty, so monitor the water level and top up when required.   If the water becomes murky or polluted, then recut all the stems and replace in fresh water. Some Australian Native Flowers lend themselves to being dried and will last for long periods.

The Seasons   

For seasonal availability, it is best to break seasons down into six periods. You will find many varieties overlapping in each period, but the availability greatly depends on the weather. Flowering times may be advanced, delayed or some varieties may be in short supply.  The six periods are broken up by months and although the following does not include every Australian wildflower, it is a good indication of what is available and when, depending on growing conditions.

January - February

During these months Banksia are in abundance such as Rickrack (B.Speciosa), Burdett's (B.budettie), Bird's Nest (B.baxteri)  Candlestick (B.attenuata)  and then Grevillea flowers, Paper Daisy (Bracteantha bracteata) in whites, yellows and pinks, the petite pink flowers of Sholtzia, Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos spp) and stunning Eucalyptus flowering hybids such as 'Summer Red' and 'Summer Beauty' Australian Gum (Eucalyptus spp), Swamp Flame Flower (Beaufortia Sparsa) and wonderful green foliages such as  Qld Fire Wheel and Forest Lace (Stenocarpus spp) and beautiful Umbrella fern (Sticherus flabellatus).

In the past there was always a lack of Australian wildflowers, however now with an abundance of flowering Eucalyptus and the growing of many other wildflowers this period now hosts a great selection of flowers.

March - April - May

The dark black/green foliage of the cultivated Tea Tree (Agonis juniperina) more Banksias such as Port Wine (B.menziesii) flowers & cones,Golden Banksia (B.prionotes) with some continuing Bird's Nest (B.baxteri) flowers and nuts, Tetragona nuts, E.robusta and E,polyanthemos in buds and smaller numbers of Eucalyptus flowers in pink and red are still available, Oak Leaved Dryandra (Dryandra quercifolia), Lilly Pilly fruits, Wattle buds and flowers (Acacia podalyriifolia) Wax Flowers (Chamelaucium) are just starting in May as is Victorian Lace (Thryptomene calycina).

June - July

The very bold Gymea Lily (Doryanthes excelsa) as well as a host of different Banksia's  dominate these two months. Flowers include Red & Green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthus manglesii) and others in Black, Yellow & Red. Banksia like Coccinea, Giant Candle, Hookers and Hinchinbrook just to name a few. Many Eucalyptus buds and nuts like the Silver Prince. Waxes are now flowering well with many of the newer hybrids such as "Pearl" "painted Lady" and Pastel Gem. Rainforest foliages are abundant at this time such as Grevillea baileyana, Lomatia and Athertonia.

August - September

There is an large number of varieties in full bloom at this time.  Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos spp) varieties are now available from medium length to taller varieties, colours include orange, red, red and green, yellow, pink and some white forms.

Boronia is also beginning to flower such as scented brown (B.megasitgma) and Lipstick (B.heterophylla). Many Banksia varieties are still available, with the Paper Daisy (Bracteantha) coming into their best, and many new outstanding varieties are now available in colours of white, soft pink through to to almost red, lemon through to orange and gold. September brings on the start of the Waratah (Telopea speciossisima) season which is a highlight in Sydney, varieties such as "Brimstone Blush" and "Passion" which are pink, "Cardinal" and "Song Lines" are red with the most spectacular variety "Fire & Brimstone" which is a large flower in stunning red and finally the magnificent White Waratah. More wax flower varieties come into flower, beautiful two tone with white and red/pink flowers such as "Sweet Sixteen". 

October - November

The flush of spring at this time is almost finished but there is still abundance of supply. The waratah season goes right though to the end of October. The Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos) season is now in full swing with varieties such as "Big Red", "Yellow Gem", "Orange Cross" tall pink and green varieties as well. Christmas Bells (Blandfordia grandiflora) harvested under license only, begin in November and run up to Christmas. Other varieties such as Rice Flower (Ozothamnus diomifolius), Rottnest Island Daisy (Trachymeene caerulea) and the delicate Flannel Flower (Actinotus Helianths).


Australian Wildflowers are just right for Christmas. In December there is a range of native flowers different from all the other months. A very interesting flower is the Dorrigo Waratah (Alloxylon pinnatum) a red terminal flower with very attractive green foliage. Banksia varieties in both flower and nut. NSW Christmas Bush (Ceratopetalum gummiferum) is a traditional red but are also available in white/creams, only available in small quantities but have a soft delicate texture. In December we again start to see the Flowering Gums (Eucalyptus ficifolia) available in red, orange and red buds.

As indicated Australia has a very diverse and unique flora available throughout the year. Australia's flora set it apart from any other continent. Australian Wildflowers create stunning gifts, wedding bouquets and make a unique Australian statement.

RedPetal would like to thank Craig Scott of

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